


Business Clearing

As a business professional, it can be challenging to justify an "Energetic Clearing" specialist on the books. After our first session and then experiencing the results professionally and personally, if far exceeded our investment.  We then retained Suzie to work with us on a regular basis.  I am now a believer and you will find an energetic clearing on my chart of accounts any day!
Josh Lannon
Journey Healing Centres
Rich Dad Advisor on Social Entrepreneurism

Business Clearing
There was disharmony within our organisation from Board of Management through to the front office staff. There was even disharmony with the physical building - eg.the garage door came crashing down unexpectedly.  I was the new CEO of this organisation and we decided to have a Business Clearing done. The next day after the clearing you could see the shift within the staff and Board.  It was great to be able to put the organisations goals and intentions energetically into the organisation and building.  We are evolving as an organisation and still growing even in these challenging economic times. I have used Suzie's services for other businesses divisions of the organisation and the clarity plus insights she brings is beneficial as a Manager. This should be part of any good business plan.

Taree Community College NSW

Property Clearing

I had a property clearing done which shifted the energy of the whole property and cleared out some old energy (80 years). Made the whole relationship breakup process I was going through flow smoothly. Even my friends good feel the difference when they came onto the property and I felt a much better connection with the land and its ancestors. The added bonus was being able to listen to the recording of the clearing session, the report and the check in conducted a week later was so valuable to the whole experience. Suzie's care, attention and intuitive timing were brilliant. I highly recommend her property clearing - you'll be amazed.
Mt. George, NSW

Property Clearing:

Once the clearing had taken place, there was a part of me that was skeptical however there was something tangible within the house, notably different, like I could breath more air in my lungs whilst being in the house. The potency of the clearing was obvious when I began to paint in my studio, within the house. I rang my own Tibetan Bells as always before painting, and to my surprise they chimed so clearly, so crisp, right on key. What flowed through in our lives over the next couple of months, even though there were monumental challenges was handled with a level of grace and ease, we as a family were on our path, and felt supported by so much more than ourselves.

Capanni/Foley Family

Perth WA

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